Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Network Neutrality and the Candidates

Just two weeks to go until the Presidential Election! I thought it’d be timely to report on a key difference between McCain and Obama when it comes to national tech policy, particularly as it relates to the concept of Network Neutrality.

Barack Obama has long supported Net Neutrality laws. His tech paper says “A key reason the Internet has been such a success is because it is the most open network in history”. He also encourages network diversity ownership, diversity in the ownership of broadcast media and promoting the development of new media outlets for expression of diverse viewpoints.

John McCain on the other hand opposes the concept of a Net Neutrality law. His
tech policy paper says he would focus on allowing broadband customers access to the Web content and applications of their choice, but instead of a law that would mandate this, he believes the best way to guard against unfair practices is “an open marketplaces with a variety of consumer choices.”

You can read more about net neutrality at
Open Internet Coalition, a coalition of companies including Google, and at SaveTheInternet, a grassroots alliance of non-profit groups. Both groups support net neutrality.

And if you’re interested in learning more ways in which the two Presidential candidates differ on other key tech policy issues? Click
here for a great article that shows differences between the two candidates in the area of telecommunications, national security, privacy, IT jobs, and innovation.


  1. We have also done an analysis of the candidates' positions on net neutrality and several other media-related issues.


    There is a link in that post to a table of their stands as well as any legislative record they have.
