Monday, June 8, 2009

Put a People-Powered Internet First

The Federal Communications Commission is busy crafting America's first national broadband plan and they're asking for your input. The crafting of a national broadband plan is one of the most important things the Federal Communications Commission has ever done. But it must do it right, and create a blueprint that puts a people-powered Internet first! The FCC needs to hear from you right now.

Free Press has drafted suggested language to ensure that your voice is heard: "An open and accessible Internet is essential to America's future. It will help revitalize our economy, improve our education and health care, engage millions more people in our democracy and give new meaning to freedom of speech. In crafting the national broadband plan, the Federal Communications Commission must protect Internet users from corporate gatekeepers who seek to keep prices high and speeds slow, limit access to content and stifle innovations and market choice. Net Neutrality must be a basic and enforceable rule of the Internet. The plan must also ensure that every American -- regardless of their race, income or location -- can connect to broadband at prices everyone can afford. Allowing powerful corporate interests to dictate the future of modern communications is a mistake that cannot be repeated. Our nation's health in the 21st century requires that the FCC puts a people-powered Internet first." Click here to add your name to the above statement, or you can submit your own comments if you prefer. Ensure that your voice is heard! For more information on the issue of a National Broadband Plan for Our Future click here.

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