Friday, April 17, 2009

New York to Legalize Gay Marriage?

We’ve been following pretty closely the issue of gay marriage the past few weeks here on the Foundation’s blog. The recent victories in Iowa and Vermont have been very positive developments for gay marriage advocates.

Well we may be adding another state to the list very soon. And it’s our home state of New York! Many New Yorkers know that in May of 2008, Governor David Paterson directed that All New York agencies being to revise their policies and regulations to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other jurisdictions. As a result of this, New York became the first state that did not allow same-sex marriages, but whose states agencies would recognize same-sex marriages performed elsewhere.

Well just yesterday morning Gov. Paterson announced during a news conference that he would introduce a bill to legalize same-sex marriage here in New York, adding it to the four states that have already approved such unions. Mr. Paterson said he would lead the movement to authorize same-sex marriage in New York. Mayor Michael Bloomberg spoke immediately after the governor’s morning news conference and said, “I’m happy today and still today New York City is a major center for worker’s rights, for immigrant rights and for gay rights.”

Bloomberg also said he believes the “tide is turning” on same-sex marriage. We certainly hope so.

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